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Saturday 13 February 2010

Tanya ~ = Criminal

It is pleasant for me to receive your letter Charles! How you have affairs?
I hope all well. I shall tell to you a little about myself
I have been never married, I have not met the person to whom I could trust
And of whom I could grow fond all heart.
My girlfriends speak, that I the nice and unfortunate girl, but in it
There is no my fault, in fact the life only begins also I think, that at me all
Still ahead. I live with parents whom very much I love and I respect.
The city at us small, but is many different educational establishments.
There are beautiful parks where I walk and have a rest.
I very much love the work, I like to travel,
But unfortunately it is possible very seldom, unfortunately I was not outside
Russia, still to me it is pleasant to visit fitness club with my girlfriend,
it helps to support a vitality, and certainly to behave in the form.
I the first time in a life have decided to find the friend through the Internet
I hope that we become good friends. Please came
To me the photos and if you have any questions
I shall try to answer them. Your friend Tanya.

In assoicaition with Life in France

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