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Thursday 5 August 2010

Todays Email Scams

Our Ref: U.N/WBO/042SWISS/2010.


You may not understand why this mail came to you. We have been having a meeting for the past 7 months
which just ended Few days ago with the secretary to the UNITED NATIONS.

This email is to all the people that have been scammed in any part of the world, the UNITED NATIONS in
Affiliation with WORLD BANK have agreed to compensate them with the sum of USD 850,000,00.

This includes every foreign contractors that may have not received their contract sum, and people that
have had an unfinished transaction or international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc.
We found your name in the list of those who are to benefit from these compensation exercise and that is
why we are contacting you, this have been agreed upon and have been signed. You are advised to contact
Mr. Francis Hamilton of our paying center in Spain, as he is our representative in Spain, contact him
immediately for your Cheque/Bank Draft.

This funds are in a Bank Draft for security purpose it can be cleared in any bank of your choice.

Therefore, you are in obligation to send the following informations, Your Full Name, Sex, Age, Occupation,
Nationality, Tel/Fax number and your correct mailing address where you want to receive the draft.

Follow the link for your perusal;

Contact: Francis Hamilton of BANCO SANTANDER
Phone/Fax: 0034 672 860 328

I apologize on behalf of my organization for any delay you have encountered in receiving your fund in the

Thanks and God bless you and your family. Hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft.
Making the world a better place.

Mary Jones.
For Secretary-General.

Hello nice to reach you

How are you doing hope you are doing pretty well,I like making friends,i am Anne,female 24 years old,

I just saw your profile and it interest me to write you ,and to know more about you..please to know more about me just get Me through my private E mail account.(

Friends are like clothes without them you feel naked!I i guess am right

Bye for now


my name is mary,you can contact
me true my email address
( i will
give you my picture, in my next mail.

Miss tina by name, i saw your profile today and after going through it, i fill more intrest to contact you ,if you are intrested in me then you can contact me on my email address
via ( for me to send you my pics and to tell you more about me. then from here we can move on.I will be waiting for your reply on my email address above.thanks
write me on (

My name is Lilian i saw your profilehere ( today and became interested in you, i will also like to know you the more and establish a relationship that is based on truth and trust with you. I want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address, I am waiting for your mail to my email address above please i have something very important i will like to tell you. I believe we can start from here. Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters a lot in life.

From The Desk of:
Mr Koffi Collins
Cell:+233 247126979

Dear Friend.

I do hope this letter will not come to you as a surprise. It was borne out of my desire to share a mutual business Relationship with you. My name is Mr.Koffi Collins, 52yrs.I am married with a wife and five promising children.

I am a assistance director to Boardman SECURITY COMPANY here in Accra Ghana branch. I got the information concerning you from the Ghana Chamber of Commerce and after due consultation with my spiritual adviser, I

decided to contact you believing that by the grace of God, you will accept to be my partner in this business.

I joined the services of this company in 1991 as an office assistant. I have been working with this company for 19 years. Within this period, I have watched with meticulous precision how African Heads of States and government

functionaries have been using SECURITY COMPANY to move huge sums of money USD, Pound Sterling, French France – (Cash) to their foreign partners.

They bring in these consignments of money cash and secretly declare the contents as gold, diamond, precious stones, family treasure, documents etc. Gen. Sani Abacha of Nigeria (dead), Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire (dead) Foday

Sankoy of Siera– Leone. Gen. Ibrahim Babangida (Rtd.) of Nigeria etc.

All these people have hundreds of consignments deposited with SECURITY COMPANY. Their foreign partners, Friends and relatives, are claiming most of these consignments. A lot of them are lying here unclaimed for as much as

7yrs ago. Nobody may ever come for them because in most cases, the documents of the deposit are never available to anybody except the depositors most of them are dead.Since the inception of the 2000 millennium,SECURITY

COMPANY MANAGEMENT changed the procedure of claims of consignments. As soon as you are able to produce all the secret information as contained in the secret file of any consignment, it will be released to you upon

From our record many consignments belonging to Gen Abacha / Mobutu Sese Seko, has been claimed in the past five years. This is why I am soliciting for your co-operation and assistance.Late Gen. Mobutu Sese Seko has some

consignments deposited with several names and codes. most of them have been claimed in the past five years. Since he’s dead, his first son is dead in a plane crash, the second son is facing trial for murder and embezzlement and

the family members are under restricted arrest without communication. I have finished every arrangement for you to come down here in {GHANA} and claim consignment No 1201 containing USD $10.5 Million us, but if you cannot

make it by coming to Ghana west Africa then the Boardman Security company director were the consignment was deposited can still use their diplomat to convey the consignment [funds] to you in your country or very close country

of yours,My duty is to supply my lawyer Barrister Peter Zwennes all the information and documents by fax or Email and he will also submit them to my director on your behalf as the next of kin to the late Mr Mobutu Sese Seko, also

You will deal directly with my lawyer who is going to secure all the needed documents in your name as the beneficial/next of kin of the consignment.The procedure is simple: -because as soon as you get back to me with your full

details then i will forward it to my lawyer to contact you immediately and let you know the next step because this transaction is not going to take much time to finalize, Also they will demand some documents and secret codes which

my lawyer will provide on your behalf.

As soon as they are confirmed correctly, They will invite you for the collection or they can use their diplomat to deliver the consignment to you in your country. No body will ever know I am involved in the deal except the Lawyer who

will write an agreement for us.I’ll suggest upon conclusion we share 45% for you 10% for the lawyer then 45% for me and At the successful conclusion of the deal, you’ll arrange for me and my family to come over to your country as

soon as the consignment has been in your custody.

I assure you that the business have been hatched for 7 Years now, it is very secure and risk free. You can get back to me on the alternative e-mail address for further Explanations and directives on the procedure. Always email me

your response on my alternative email:
God Bless you.
Mr Koffi Collins.

Microsoft Promotion Award Team
23 South Way WIW London,
United Kingdom.

The prestigious Microsoft® Windows XP Corporations wishes to inform you that
your e-mail address emerged as one of their online lucky Winners selected
from our private computerized lottery drawn here in London United Kingdom
and this selection process was carried out through a random selection in
our Computerized Email Selection System (C.E.S.S.) from a database of over
a million email addresses from the world wide web. This promotion was
set-up to encourage the active users of the Internet Microsoft® Windows.
Hence we do believe that with your winning prize, you will continue to be
active and patronage to the Microsoft® Windows XP Corporations.
Therefore you have won the sum of £500,000.00 pounds {Five Hundred Thousand
Great British Pounds}. A winning cheque will be issued in your name by the
Microsoft® Windows XP Corporation and also a certificate of prize claims
will be sent to you along side with your winnings cheque. You are to make
contact with your designated agent who shall by duty, guide you through
the process of facilitating the release of your Prize.

For claims,you are advised to contact your designated appointed agent with
the following details below.

Zentec Security
Mr Astrid Pedersen
Direct Tel.Line;+44(0)702-404-4595

1. Full Name:..............
2. Address....................
3. Occupation:..............
4. Nationality...............
5. Tel No........................
6.Date Of Birth....................

Once again on behalf of all our staff and Managements we say CONGRATULATIONS!

Microsoft Promotion Award Team,
United Kingdom Sub Region.

In assoicaition with Free Image Library~ Royalty Free Photos

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