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Monday 26 July 2010

Todays email scams.

Us Ambassador Office
11 Garik road Lagos
Lagos, Nigeria

Dear beneficiary,

Be informed that I have resolved with the Nigeria presidency to deliver the sum of us$3.5m being the interest fund accrued from your contract/inheritance fund.

I shall be coming to the united states for an official meeting by next week and I will be bringing your consignment containing the fund which has been packaged and sealed in your favor but this time I will not go through customs because as a us ambassador to Nigeria, I am a us government agent and I have the voter power to go through customs. I am scheduled to have a briefing with the secretary of states by next week

You should send your cell phone number and the address where you want me to bring the consignment package. You have really paid so much as I was made to understand and that is why I have personally intervened. You are a very lucky person because I shall be bringing it myself and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Your package (us$3.5m} must be registered as an ambassadorial package for me to defeat all odds and the cost of registering it is $135.00.

The fee must be paid in the next 50 hours via western union so that all necessary arrangement can be made before time will be against us.

You should send the fee directly to the cargo registration officer with the info below

Name ------------- Ernest Ozofor
Address -------- 20 Embassy Road, Lagos Nigeria
Text question ----- what year
Text answer ------- 2010

My trip will be by mid week and i expect you to comply before then so that the delivery can be completed. If you do not comply, then it will not be my fault if you do not receive your consignment package.

Treat as urgent,

Ms. Robin Sanders
Us Ambassador To Nigeria

Dearest Attention,

I have been waiting for a response to my previous email to you without hearing back from you as indicated in my email. I have now decided to email you again as a reminder. I'm Mrs. Elaine Barnado once married to Dr. Vitorino D. Barnado. We were married for twenty years without a child. My husband passed away after a brief illness that lasted few days December 2008. My late husband and I arrived in Angola 15 years ago from Portugal dealing mainly in gold exportation. Now, I have been suffering from ovarian cancer disease and the doctor says that i got just few weeks to live.

Now that i am about to end the race like this without any family members and no child. I have $8 Million US Dollars in a bank in Africa which i instructed the bank giving to St Andrews Missionary Home in Africa. My mind is not at rest because i am writing this letter now through the help of my computer beside my sick bed.


When my husband was alive, we both deposited the sum of $7.3 Million US Dollars (Seven Million Three Hundred Thousand US dollars) in a Security/Finance Company. Presently, this money is still with the holding firm. Having known my condition i decided to donate these funds to an individual that will use this funds to assist orphans in an orphanage homes in his/her own country for my heart to be at rest after being inspired by Late Mrs. Grace Groner Bequeath of $7 Million donation. I got your email address through my search for a reliable person and trustworthy person from your country's directory.

As soon as i hear from you, i will issue you with a letter of authorization in your favor to the holding firm for the release/transfer of the funds in your favor immediately. I withheld some useful information regarding where the funds is being held for security purpose until am guarantee no body had access to your email that might lead to an imposter. Once i am assured that you are the rightful owner, i will provide more information as stated earlier. I will send you the entire deposit document alongside a letter of authority that will empower you as the Beneficiary of these funds. I will therefore urge you to provide me with the following details below:

Full Names:
Telephone Number:

My happiness is that i lived a life of a worthy Christian and i want you and the church to always pray for me whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve Him in spirit and truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life by responding via my private E-mail:

Yours fairly friend,

Mrs. Elaine Barnado.

Good Day to You,

Though I have not considered this medium to be the best manner to have
approached you on this issue being that the Internet has been greatly
abused over the recent years and is very unsecured for information of
vital importance. I have decided to take the chance seeing that no other
means could have been faster and more efficient than the E-mail. Let me
start by introducing myself,My name is Sgt.Nelson Dillon. I am in the
Engineering military unit here in Ba'qubah in Iraq.I am contacting you
concerning some amount of funds that we want to move out of the country.
My partners and I need a good partner someone we can trust.

It is oil money and legal.Basically since we are working for the
government we cannot keep these funds,but we want to transfer and move the
funds to you, so that you can keep it for us in your safe account or an
offshore account But we are moving it through Diplomatic means,to send it
to your house directly or a bank of your choice using Diplomatic Courier

The most important thing is that can we trust you?

Once the funds get to you, you take your 30% out and keep our own 70%.
Your own part of this deal is to find a safe place where the funds can be
sent to. Our own part is sending it to you.If you are interested i will
furnish you with more details.But the whole process is simple and we must
keep a low profile at all times. I await your urgent response via my

NOTE:This business is risk free and it is a task well worth undertaking.

Sgt.Nelson Dillon.

Attention; Beneficiary,

I am Hajia Farida Waziri Chairman Efcc Investigation Office Nigeria, there
is presently a counter claims on your funds by one MR.JOHN WHEELER, who is
presently trying to make us believe that you are dead and even explained
that you entered into an agreement with him, to help you in receiving your
fund, So here comes the big question.

Did you sign any Deed of Assignment in favor of (JOHN WHEELER). thereby
making him the current beneficiary with his following account details:

AC/NUMBER: 6503809428.

we shall proceed to issue all payments details to
the said Mr. John Wheeler, if we do not hear from you within the next two
working days from today.


Mrs. Hajia Farida Waziri
Chairman Efcc Investigation Office Nigeria

My beloved, writing you today is from my heart i got your email address when i
was going through Europe- Middle East business digest and journals and i have
prayed before doing this, My name Baroness Sara- Alrushaid Thomas, I am 68
years old from Kuwait, I am suffering from a long time cancer of the Lungs
which also affected my hearing ability and my brain according to my doctors she

personally advised me that I may not live too long, this is because the cancer
has gotten to a very bad stage.
Reason why I embark on this project – 1ST THIS IS THE WISH OF MY LATE HUSBAND
AND 2ND I was brought up from a motherless babies home, was married to my late
husband for twenty years without a child. My husband died in a fatal motor
Since his death I decided not to re-marry, Including all my husband left all
totaling £23 Million Pounds and Two Trunk Box(Family valuables) with a with our

Bank. Presently, this money is still with them I have already written them long

before my illness got to this stage that I will give a letter of authorization
to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over because of myillness and these was rather part of our initial agreement as contained in the
deed of lodge issued to me the day I deposited the funds with them.
Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been under going
treatment. Though I lost my ability to talk because of the feeding tube fixed
on my throat, there a surgery I need undergo soon so I can communicate with you

after the surgery but all depend on my ability to respond to the new treatment
that will be prescribed. It is my last wish to see that FUNDS BE USED FOR
PRIVILAGE I will require some of your details like your (1)Full Name (2)
address (3)age (4)personal email (5)occupation and (6)telephone number with fax

also – I need introduce you to the my Bank as my next of kin and the person who

will be in charge of this Charity project.
This proposal is CONFIDENTIAL and I can trust you to handle this, so I prefer
you keep this project to your self alone until every thing is finalize and
Funds released to your care, the Bank is also aware of the confidentiality of
my late husband and my Account so they will treat it so I hope you can keep
this CONFIDENTIAL? You will have at least 20% for your time and effort.
"Charity is when you are giving your right hand does not know what the left
hand is doing." As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of

the Bank / Secret Question/answer to the deposit, CERTIFICATE of deposit and
other necessary document and details that will be required by the Bank before
they can transfer funds to you. I will send a Formal signed Application in
writing to my Bank and also include your details also. Please assure me that
you will act accordingly as I stated herein to use funds for CHARITY AND
AND THAT OF MY LATE HUSBAND WHEN YOU REPLY. So please email me on this address
which is my personal email. Email:
Love and blessings
Baroness Sara- Alrushaid Thomas

TELL: +22997928444

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Send Money Worldwide

TELEPHONE +2299792844
Attention: Dear Valued Customer,
This is to notify all our clients about the latest development concerning all the PAYMENT that are left in our custody which yours are inclusive Besides, your where given a bill of $150.00. in order to receive your PAYMENT of which we did not hear from you for sometime now.

Hence, our (WESTERN UNION) is now offering a Special bonus to help all our customers that are having their payment delayed in our custody due to because of price, in order words we are now requesting that those involve should pay only the sum of $95.00 intead of the $150 to receive all their PAYMENT abandoned in our custody.
Besides,this is the opportunity for you to comply and your funds shall be transfer to your destination address.
But note that after (3 DAYS) you did not make the payment of $95.00 then we will divert your funds to government treasury,to avoid problem or we will cancel the payment because we are closing all transfer for the season.

So be advise to send $95.00. immediately if you are still wiling to claim your payment so that we will register your payment once we receive the transfer charges because you will start receiving your payment as from tomorrow morning by 11 am our time here.

After you make the payment of $95.00 we will give you the full information to pick up your first payment of $5,000.00 through western union, Send the $95.00 through Western Union Money Transfer with the information below:

1. Receiver Name :=======Chinedu Jude
2. Country:======= Benin Republic.
3. City======================Cotonou
4. Question===========how long?
5. Answer:=========== tomorrow
6. Amount:===========US$95.00

Forward the payment control number, sender name and address after sending to enable pick up the money here.

Note: that we do this to help all our customers so don't delay because any delay will make us to cancel your payment or divert payment to government to avoid problem because we don't have such time to delay anymore.
I am looking forward to receive payment of $95.00. immediately you send it to enable us to give your the full information which you will use to pick up your payment in any western union but failure to do so you will loose your payment because your have only today and tomorrow after that no more.

Yours in service
Director (Mr.Paul Richard) officer in charge !!!
Western Union Department Head office

Fredrick Peterson. LOAN AGENCY

My name is Mr Fredrick Peterson, the manager director of the world number one lender. In e-loan offers need all regardless of country of origin exist.

My company has been in the lending business since 1972 and received his licenses to operate as lender of loans in 1984, so far we have been in the portfolio of the British government as responsible lender.

In 2001 my company was award winners with the lender of the year and the most friendly lender more than a decade.

Any client needs to borrow from us should Provide the following information for us to open a loan processing.
Borrowers' date form

Name ................................................ ..........................
Surname ................................................ ..........................
Address :................................................ ............................
Telephone number (mobile )............................................ . ...
Telephone number (home )............................................ . ....
Country :................................................ ........................
State :................................................ ....................................
City :................................................ ...................................
Loan amount required :............................................. . ..............
Length :................................................ ..............................
Balance has :.............................................. . ..................
Occupation ................................................. .......................
Monthly income ................................................ .................
Status :............................................... .............
Age :................................................ ................
Genus :................................................ ........................
Birthdate :.............................................. ..................
City of birth :.............................................. ...................
Country of birth :.............................................. ................
City of birth :..............................................

I await your reply to this message ready for another for us to proceed with this transaction.


Mr Fredrick Peterson.
Managing Director

Are you an honest and reliable Person!

It is my pleasure to write you after going through your profile i decided to
contact you to help me out of my problem, however is not mandatory nor will
i in any manner compel you to honour against your will,but first Let me
introduce myself to you.

My name is Miss. Nora Rahal, From'' Algier's Algeria. I am 18 years of age,
also a student of high school before I lost my father in a car accident last
year, after his Cancer major operation, and my mother died when i was 2
years 4 weeks according to my late father, so I have been out from school
since the burial of my late father and been looking for a sincere person
that I will trust and love that will take me as his child in the family or a
person who will make me a member of his family.

I am the only child of my late parents and that has made me to run away from
our family house because my uncles are after my life to take away my
inheritance which my late father left for me in a Financial Office. My
entire dream is to find somebody that I can trust with my future life and
inheritance and also who will be able to invest it wisely in any lucrative
business not a person who will cheat me because of i am a child..

Before the death Of my late father in his hospital sick bad he secretly told
me to rush our home, that he kept some documents in the house that I should
take the papers and move out quickly form Algiers, down to Abidjan, Cote
D'ivoire for my life. that Nobody knows about the inheritance which worth of
(Four Million Seven Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand United States
Dollar's. 4.775.000.000) in Cash deposited in a Financial Office there with
my late father name as he used nobody as the next of kin.

I have managed to escape from Algiers after the burial of my late father and
I am right now in the country where my Late father Deposited this money and
I have gone to the Bank to make inquires about this money and after I spoked
with the Head Manager of the Bank and he assured me that everything is
intact with their Bank and he told me that I am too small to handle this
money that I should look for my Late Father, brothers or his Partner's who
will help me to carry on the transfer and this is the reason why I contact
you for noble assistance in accodiance with my Late Father advise. And i
dont want to tell my late father brother or theri family for this. because
they are not good to my late father till date.

And I want you to also keep it very confidential till we can be able to
transfer this money from the Financial Office here to your country and I
will fly to join you immediately for future plans of continue my education
once I join you in your country.

I have to trust somebody to save my future and that is why I am trusting you
now I want you to understand my critical situation and give me the love and
assistance that I need, so that I will have a better life and also enjoy my
inheritance with you. I will tell you more about myself as soon as I hear
back from you, your interest to assist me and also build more trust to be
able to have a better understanding.

I look forward for your urgent response,
Thank you and God bless you.
Best regard
Miss. Nora Rahal.

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